As the world becomes highly globalized, Millennials want to be abreast on political talk but tend to not have time to scrimmage through multiple news channels to get the lowdown. Co-Founders Alexandra Schuster and Tewfik Cassis realized this problem and launched the Daily Pnut to make you sound smarter and seem cooler after a quick four-minute read.

Founded in July 2015 in Boston, Massachusetts, the Daily Pnut is an email newsletter that summarizes world politics in a nutshell. Focusing on major events around the globe, this newsletter will make you marginally more intelligent and cultured about your surroundings. No longer will you be an ostrich when it comes to world affairs.  

“I had a feeling that people do really care about what is going on around the world, but they are just not spoken to in a way that they can relate.”

Tewfik tells us that the reason they started the Daily Pnut “is to help our generation understand what is going on in the world. Things that are happening in Syria, Russia, and god knows where really do impact our lives today in a way that it didn’t before. With that mindset, we are providing meaningful content that people rely on in an intimate setting.” The newsletter tends to go out at 6 am EST or as we like to say during morning coffee time.

The Partnership

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Alexandra and Tewfik have very complementary skills when it comes to running a business. Tewfik is more analytical in terms of numbers and his past experience includes working as a consultant at McKinsey in Dubai as well as interning at Facebook during his MBA program at HBS. Fun fact: He majored in Finance at MIT during undergrad (yes, MIT has a Finance program, who knew!). 

Alexandra, on the other hand, is extremely OCD to the extent where she thinks it is not normal. A true politician at heart, Alexandra always had an interest in media and politics and was the editor of her high school newspaper back in the day. “I always knew I wanted to do something in this space, but felt awkward about it being at UPenn. For those who don’t know, UPenn is a funny place because even if you're not in Wharton undergrad, everyone wants to be in that program and ends up becoming bankers or consultants.” Alexandra also worked for HuffPost to launch HuffPost Live (you go girl!).

“Try everything! If it doesn't work, kill it quickly.”

Daily Pnut was formed in one day. The idea was generated at noon and by 5 pm, all the pieces were put in place and went live the next day, including the logo made from Fiverr. Tewfik tells us how being an entrepreneur has its ups and downs by the hour, yes, by. the. hour. “There’s always a moment of reluctance and then it grows and we stay. We started out with 40 emails of our friends and today we are at 100,000 subscribers. Our industry’s open rate is usually around 10 to 15 percent. We are getting 60 percent.”

So how did this growth occur? After two weeks of launching, the co-founders were invited to Sweden for a conference and the subscribers started to take off from there. They also went into sweepstakes and partnerships with media companies, brand ambassadors and launched a referral program.

Interested in engaging in native advertising with the Daily Pnut? Don't worry, it’s very effective and sounds like it’s part of the email. Hint: people enjoy reading it. Contact us and we can put you in touch or subscribe to their newsletter today and marginally increase your IQ.

Photo courtesy of Daily Pnut. 



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